
Intercessory Prayer

To pray for the lost souls that God will deliver them from the hands of the enemy and they may live a holy and prosperous life.


To lift up Jesus Christ through song, minister to those searching for hope, and encourage the believers through harmonies and melodies.


To go inside the prisons and the youth detention centers and spread the “Good News”.

Destiny Care

To minister to those who are shut in.


To share the gospel of Christ through visual expressions.

Boyz 2 Men

To mentor boys and young men into becoming all that God has for them.

Good Samaritan

To help people who are going through unsuspected challenges in their lives.


To worship God through the illustration of His word.

Children’s Ministry

To empower and equip our youth for life and ministry.

Teen Ministry

To empower and develop teen believers through intentional discipleship training.
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