Our mission is to lift up Jesus Christ through song, minister to those searching for hope, and encourage the believers through harmonies and melodies that touch the soul and transforms the carnal mind to a mind of Christ.
– We promote the worship and adoration of God through music in praise, thanksgiving and prayer.
– We corporately proclaim, confess, and celebrate our faith as one voice united together in Christ Jesus.
– We seek to exhort, admonish, encourage, and stir up one another to good works, as we speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
– We live lives that witness to the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit.
Statement of Purpose – “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” – John 4:23
The Destiny Worship Center Praise Team, Choir and Musicians are comprised of individuals united to offer a sacrifice of praise through the ministry of music. Believing that only our finest gifts should be offered in worship the praise team, choir and band strive for musical excellence through weekly musical and spiritual preparation. The praise team, choir and band offer a place for musically talented adults in the DWC family who are willing to offer their time and talent in service to the Lord and to participate in the act of worship.
Worship “in truth” means worship as a reality, rather than an event. Some see worship as a song or a time when we are at church. The reality is in our understanding that we are always before the Lord to worship Him in all aspects of life, at all times. Since He resides in us, all of the events and places of worship are in us! Our Heavenly Father has chosen to make His holy abode within each one of us, and therefore, we are the Tabernacle, the place of worship!
Thus, we, as the singers and musicians of this church have an awesome responsibility. We are more than just a praise team, choir or band – we are worship leaders. The expressions on our faces and the enthusiasm we show will inspire the congregation to begin praising God and to enter into worship. When the body begins to worship in one accord, the Lord can move in a mighty way, often manifesting Himself in healing, deliverance, and salvation!
We, the Redeemed of the Lord, do pledge ourselves as one united ministry in covenant to:
1. Carry the Lord’s presence in our lives,
2. Stand before the Lord,
3. Serve Him and
4. Bless His name, according to God’s Holy ordinance in Deuteronomy 10:8
1. Walk in a manner worthy of His calling according to His grace,
2. Esteem one another higher than ourselves,
3. Bear one another’s burdens, thus fulfilling the Law of Christ and
4. Be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
1. Subscribe to the vision of Destiny Worship Center,
2. Uphold and support Destiny Worship Center and its leadership, particularly through prayer intercession and the bearing of the burden of the ministry
3. Show forth His praise and declare the manifold wisdom of God to principalities and powers in the heavenly places and edify the saints for the work of the ministry.
Our Prayer – Heavenly Father, we look to Your all-sufficient grace to fulfill our desires according to Your will. We trust in Your ability to keep that which we have committed to You until Your precious Son returns for us and to be faithful to the worship ministry of this church. To the Praise of the Glory of Your Grace (Ephesians 1:6) – Amen.