Intercessory Prayer
The vision is to pray for the lost souls that God will deliver them from the hands of the enemy and they may live a holy and prosperous life. We will pray that the power of God will pull down strongholds and build up the body of Christ. We pray with an expectation of signs, wonders and miracles in the name of Jesus.
The purpose if this ministry is to ensure that all areas of the Ministry are covered with prayer. We will not only pray for the ministry but our families, leaders, nation, government and the entire body of Christ.
As Intercessors we live a lifestyle of Prayer, Praise and Adoration to God.
• We believe in praying effectively, therefore we take a firm stand of faith on the Word of God, knowing that it will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).
• We boldly approach the throne of God knowing that He hears, answers, heals, delivers and sets the captives free.
• We pray with expectation!
• We pray for hunger for the Lord, conviction of sin, and an awareness of God’s presence for the world.
• We intercede for breakthrough in the heavenliess over our neighborhoods and that the people of God will send the sound of worship up over our communities so that the atmosphere is charged with the Glory of God.
•We recognize that we are in a spiritual warfare and we also know that Jesus has already defeated the enemy through the cross and resurrection. When he said, “It is finished”.
• We pray from a position of enforcing the victory Jesus has already won.
“And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” Colossians 2:15
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