Women of Destiny
Our purpose it to grow women in their knowledge of God, understanding the Scripture, and having a relationship with Christ. To teach women to apply the Word of God to their lives through the concept of Life-on-Life accountability with particular emphasis on our unique roles as women. To encourage women in the body of Christ and in the community to love and serve with excellence. To provide opportunities for women to reach out into the community to share the love of Christ.
Every woman who partners with Destiny Worship Center is automatically part of Women of Destiny. Destiny Worship Center offers quarterly forums where Co-Pastor James hosts prayer gatherings or where she, or other esteemed speakers, address topics such as spiritual relationships and health. Additionally, under the Women Ministry umbrella, there are several different ministries established to serve the women and young ladies of Destiny Worship Center.
Daughters of Debra Debutante Program
The Debutante Program was a vision of Co-Pastor that our daughters be ushered into their promise by the wisdom, mentoring, and life coaching we afford them in love. The main pillars at the center of the program’s framework are:
- A strong spirit of awareness
- A spirit of excellence
- Chaste behavior
- A sweet aroma of feminine behavior
The debutantes are chosen based on the following criteria: Achieve and maintain a B or higher grade point average; maintain membership in good standing at a local church, and demonstrate outstanding character, leadership, dependability, and service in school/community. Core debutantes are between the ages of 15 to 17; Junior Debutantes are between 12 and 14 years of age. Trained mentors are assigned to work with the debutantes and are required to present before them an exemplary lifestyle. Sessions in faith, etiquette, chastity, finances, and human relationships are addressed during the debutante’s seven months of training. The end of their training culminates with a consecration dinner.
“We proclaim Him … that we may present everyone mature in Jesus Christ.” Colossians 1:28